I am pleased to announce and introduce the launching of "THE
CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S NETWORK". This is a cutting edge Network that is “By Women For
Women”and represents “The Standard” of what Christian TV should look like in
today’s market. God has released CWN to take the greatest known and unknown
women and give them a platform to have their own show.
This particular network is a multi-culture,
Christian, all women network that touches the hearts of women from around the
world. CWN will host the following shows: cooking shows, reality shows, live
concerts, teaching, talk shows, money management, comedy, do it yourself shows,
business shows, relationship shows, movies, original programming, plays and much
more, being aired 24/7 with Jesus as the center of all answers, all solutions
and all provision.
CWN is not being established to compete with the
Kingdom of God, but is to challenge another way of thinking by presenting real
women in real life situations that produce real results.
The dream and vision is to take CWN
to the TV airwaves and bring women into truth! Lynnette Appling has always been
an advocate for the entire deliverance of women as well as providing a way for
doors to constantly be open for women. With that being said, her heart is to see
every woman come into her full potential and promise by providing an affordable
avenue to spread the message of Jesus Christ through everyday living.
There is nothing on the airwaves that is exclusively for Christian Women thatcompete with the world and it’s devises to influence, change and answerquestions about their individual life. CWN will do just that. It will representa new standard of ministry and take Christian TV to another element, instead ofjust preaching, there will be life application through life parables, stories,and other avenues of media.
CWN is a TV Network Online athttp://www.watchcwn.com/. It will also be carried on National TV as its ownNetwork Channel on ROKU to over 6 million homes and counting. CWN will takeanother milestone by going on HULU where one can have a Subscription to CWN. Wehave goals to be available on Netflex and Sony TV as well as Direct, Dish andTime Warner. CWN can also be watched on EVERY MOBILE DEVICE. Our goal is to beon every media device and go toe to toe with the world.
Our OriginalProgramming specifically created for CWN will have drama, sitcoms, and actionshows. Get ready for the Pastors Wives Club, Sinners, A Kept Woman Movie,Broken, and much, much more. Look for great teachers such as Yolanda Dupree,Cynthia Brazelton and Lynnette Appling. We will have some fresh innovativeshows like "Natural Expressions" with Paula Grimes, "In Focus" Documentaries.Look for our children's broadcasting, young adult sessions and relationshipseries featuring "Unconditional".This is the network that will answer the worldand give an account of how Christians truly live.
CWN would like to be ableto represent the Christian Community & Industry at the Emmy’s, Oscars, andat the Tony Awards without compromise of the message of Jesus Christ or thestandard of Godly living.